Thursday, 1 November 2012

Procedural Writing

This week we started a unit on procedural writing.  The unit will last approximately four weeks.  The culminating activity, will be a class cook book that the students will create and present to Mr. McGilvray and Ms. Harroun.
In a few weeks, students will need to write up a recipe of their favourite meal.  We are asking that you please take the time to discuss with your child, what his/her favourite meal is at home.  It could be a simple grilled cheese sandwich or a chocolate ice cream sundae.  Think of things that are simple.  An elaborate spaghetti sauce will be difficult for students to write up.
Each week, could you please practise making this favourite meal together.  The students will need to have lots of experience gathering ingredients and preparing the food, in order to put together the final recipe. 
In their cook book recipe, we will be assessing whether all of the ingredients are listed and if the steps are clear and in order.
Bon appétitJ

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