Thursday, 1 November 2012

Homework for week of Nov 5.

Here are some of the words you may need for this week's homework:

la vache - cow
le chat - cat
la niche - nest / dog house
la roche - rock
une pêche - peach
faire la pêche - to go fishing
une poche - pocket
la chute - waterfall
le cheval - horse
il achète - he buys
la cheminée - chimney
il détache - he detaches
la machine - machine
il chuchote - he whispers
elle déchire - she rips
il marche - he walks
la chèvre - goat
voler - to steal
un hochet - rattle (baby toy)
le jambon - ham
le chariot - shopping cart
le journal - newspaper
la jupe - skirt
la luge - sled
le cochon - pig
le chevalet - easel
le chêne - oak tree
cher / chère - expensive
la chemise - shirt

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