Friday, 19 October 2012

Homework week of October 22.

There are three pages of homework this week, plus studying for spelling and daily book bag readings.
Some of the vocabulary this week is as follows:

le céleri - celery
l'épicerie - grocery store
le citron - lemon
les épices - spices
la cire - wax
une scie - a saw
la racine - root
la cime - the top
une façade - a facade/front
le cil - eyelash
la commode - chest of drawers
la noce - wedding
le laçage - lacing up
la cerise - cherry
les ciseaux - scissors
le cèdre - cedar tree
l'océan - ocean
le pouce - thumb
le cigare - cigar
la piscine - swimming pool
nager - to swim

1 comment:

  1. Thank you Mme.

    Parents - flashcards are available at

    Enter Mme Pare as a search word.
