Sunday 4 June 2017

Spelling words and homework.

Sorry this is a bit late! Here are the spelling words...

Être (to be) in the imperfect tense... aka I was, you were, he/she was, etc.

j'étais               nous étions
tu étais             vous étiez
il était              ils étaient
elle était          elles étaient
on était

Your child has brought home a Social Studies project outline that explains that they are to research the traditions and celebrations of the country they picked on Friday. Each student has glued their country into their agenda. As noted in the outline, while parents are obviously going to help with research, this must be YOUR CHILD'S OWN WRITTEN WORK please. Don't be tempted to use online translation tools as firstly, this isn't your child's own work, but also because they're no good. They give literal translations that make little sense.

Two good online dictionaries are and I expect written work to be of a Grade 2 level not university!

If you have questions or concerns, please do let me know - this isn't meant to be stressful for anyone! Here is an example of a level 3 (B) poster. There's plenty of time to ask questions; I am happy to help along the way!

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