Friday 28 April 2017

Next week.


  1. un ouvrier
  2. un pommier
  3. le premier
  4. un entier
  5. le policier
  6. un voilier
  7. un collier
  8. un cahier
  9. février
  10. Prix Peuplier

Students are bringing home a math problem to solve.

Themed basket:
As I mentioned in a post last week, on the night of the concert, themed baskets are being raffled. Our theme is film night. Please, please try to send in something for our basket as so far, we have nothing!

Dance practise:
Here's a link to the song we're dancing to for the concert in case your child fancies practising! Ca fait rire les oiseaux

Field trip:
We're off to the Science Centre on Thursday, May 4. Make sure your child arrives at school on time! Thank you to those parents who have volunteered to come with us!

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