Thursday 17 September 2015

Class rules and consequences

Last week, the class suggested rules and related consequences for our classroom. We have all agreed to them and they are posted in our classroom. The rules keep everyone safe, on track, and respectful at school.
I am posting them here for your reference and so that you may discuss them with your child.

Les règles de la classe 101
1.               Speak French!!
2.              We are kind to each other
3.              We all respect each other
4.              We don't shout
5.              We don't run
6.              We don't speak when madame is speaking
7.              We don't push
8.              We don't fool around in the bathroom
9.              No chewing gum
10.            We raise our hand and wait for madame to call on us before we speak
10.            We don't throw anything in the classroom

1.        We say that we are sorry
2.              We clean up
3.              We return to where we were and we walk instead of running
4.              Madame writes a note in our agenda
5.              We miss recess
6.              Madame make a phone call home

7.              We are sent to the office

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