Friday 8 May 2015

Social Studies Project

Today, your child will bring home a project outline for our final task in Social Studies.  
Each child has been assigned a country (the country name is stapled into your child's agenda) and must research 3 celebrations & traditions in that country.  This project will be done mostly at home, although students are free to use library time to sign out books on their country, or search the Internet during our computer period.  The bulk of the research will be done with family members helping on the Internet.

Please ensure that your child writes his/her own descriptions, even though you may help to explain them.  This will be a collaborative project between you and your child but the final poster should be done exclusively by your child.

I am attaching below a sample picture of a level 3 (B) poster.  There's plenty of time to ask questions; I am happy to help along the way!  The project is due on June 1st and students will present their project sometime during that week.


  1. Awesome project! I vividly remember doing something similar in my own school - I got Japan - and I think it kindled a lifelong love of 'places'.

  2. That's a lovely thing to hear! Thanks for sharing.
