Saturday 21 February 2015

Spelling and homework for Thursday February 26.

Spelling words:

  1. le travail      
  2. le grille-pain      
  3. une écaille 
  4. une fille      
  5. une paille      
  6. briller      
  7. un maillot      
  8. gentille     
  9. la taille      
  10. la vanille
Yesterday, the students brought home a celebrations chart. They are very excited to interview their parents about three celebrations and to report back to our class their findings. I have told them that they are journalists who will take notes, in either English or French. I will help them to translate if necessary. This work is due by Thursday of next week (February 26). Students will present to their classmates on Monday of the following week (March 3). Please only talk about celebrations which are important in YOUR family. Thank you.

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