Friday, 7 November 2014

Spelling words and homework for Thursday November 13.

Spelling words:
  1. le chapeau
  2. le chemin
  3. la chaussure
  4. la chose
  5. toucher
  6. cacher
  7. chaud
  8. échapper
  9. la chemise
  10. chez
Students think of something that they do every day and write up a procedure for it, using numbered steps. An example could be taking a bath, e.g.,
  1. I fill the tub
  2. I undress
  3. I wash myself
  4. I wash my hair
  5. I get out of the bath
  6. I dry myself
  7. I get dressed
Don't forget that next Friday, November 14 is a PA day. There is no school. Enjoy the extra day!

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