Thursday 29 June 2017


Dear parents and students,

I've had a wonderful year with your lovely, smart children. They've had fun, worked hard, and formed lasting friendships. It was the nicest class I could have hoped for this year, which is my last at Clairlea. Next year, I'll be teaching junior and intermediate students at another school... It is with a heavy heart that I leave - but perhaps you'll see me at your Grade 8 grad?!

All the very best to everyone,


Wednesday 21 June 2017

Our final week

Next week marks our last 4 days of school.  We'll be celebrating the successes of our Grade 2 year with several fun activities.

On Wednesday, June 28th (weather permitting), we will be walking over to Parma Park to use their splash pad.   For those who are not familiar, Parma Park is about a 10 minute walk west of us on the other side of Victoria Park.  We will leave school after 9AM and return for 11AM.

Students must bring:

  • a sunhat & wear sunscreen
  • swim wear or a change of clothes
  • water shoes (flip flops are fine)
  • a towel
I'm looking for parent volunteers who can walk with us and help supervise at the splash pad.  Please email me if you are available:

If the weather is unsettled, we will simply stay back.  Please check the blog for updates.

Friday 16 June 2017

Library books and book bags.

Library books may no longer be signed out this year. Please look carefully at home to see if you might have any books lurking around... Ms. Vincent is planning to send home overdue reports before the end of the year and fines may be possible if books are missing!

Regarding book bags: I am collecting them all in. As with library books, please make sure that you don't keep any at home. I certainly won't fine anyone, but the fewer we have every year, the fewer next year's students have access to. Thanks!