Friday, 4 October 2013

Homework and spelling words (la dictée)

Today your child should have brought home a book in a Ziplock bag as well as a homework journal. If s/he has not done so already, please ensure that the words "Les Devoirs" (Homework) are clearly written on the cover of the journal.

Students should:

  1. Read their book every day.
  2. Study the spelling words written in the agenda (and also here for your reference) every day. The spelling test will be on Thursday 10th.
    1. la banane
    2. une abeille 
    3. un arbre
    4. un caravan
    5. un bateau
    6. un garçon
    7. un adjectif
    8. une table
    9. un sac
    10. un ananas
There will also be a surprise bonus word that uses the sound "a". Bonne chance !    

Later in the week, once your child is  v e r y  familiar with the book bag book, here is what s/he needs to write in the journal:
  1. WHO the story is about (a dog? red riding hood? two brothers?)
  2. WHEN the story takes place (if this is not explicit, an inference can be made from the context and the illustrations)
  3. WHERE the story takes place
Next, write down one or two words to tell me:
  1. What happens in the beginning
  2. What happens in the middle
  3. What happens at the end
Next, write a simple retell (6 sentences).
Bonus points for adjectives!

The book bag, book, and homework journal are all due by next Wednesday please. It's a short week!

Should your child need help, of course s/he should ask me! That's what I'm here for!
Happy weekend,
Mme Paré

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