Wednesday, 6 March 2013

Boomerang Schools

I think it's absolutely fabulous that Clairlea is becoming a Boomerang School! What does that mean you cry??? Well - just as a boomerang comes back to you - a boomerang school sends back home to you whatever you bring into it. As such, beginning after March Break, all food and garbage items that are sent to school with you child will be coming back home to you.

You may say YUCK to this... but...

1. Now you can see just what your child is eating / not eating every day.
2. Boomerang schools discourage garbage production which is better for the environment.
3. If you don't like the idea of garbage coming home, don't send it in! How? Try packing food in re-usable containers. Say no to juice boxes! Instead order a Clairlea metal bottle or purchase a reusable drink container to pour drinks into from a larger (and cheaper) container.
4. Pre-packaged foods are usually processed. This means that they're not very nutritious and... believe it or not... they're almost always MORE EXPENSIVE than foods you prepare yourself! So save money and help your child be healthier by not purchasing pre-packaged, processed foods!\
5. Say NO to plastic water bottles! There just isn't anything good about them at all. Check out this link for fascinating information such as ... this water is MORE EXPENSIVE THAN GAS and some bottled water IS ACTUALLY TAP WATER!

All in all, becoming a Boomerang School is one way that Clairlea staff and students are trying to make our world, our country, our province, our city, our neighbourhood, and our school community a better place for us, our children, and our children's children.

Here's a litterless lunch!

Here's what we DON'T want anymore at Clairlea!

...and again... here's what we DO want at Clairlea!

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