Friday, 29 April 2016

Wednesday May 11

On Wednesday May 11, the students will be spending the entire morning at SATEC for a concert rehearsal. We will be returning to school AFTER the usual bell for lunch. As such, if you normally take your child home for lunch, please be aware that this won't be possible on this day. Please pack your child's lunch.

Spelling words and homework for Thursday May 5.

Spelling words:

  1. intérieur
  2. important
  3. une introdution 
  4. en train de
  5. infirmière
  6. la main
  7. maintenant
  8. indépendent
  9. faim
  10. un timbre

Write a fun and imaginative story using the following story starter:

I went to the zoo and the tiger escaped...

Thursday, 28 April 2016

Celebrating our culture

As part of our study of heritage in Social Studies, we will be having a multi-cultural potluck on Monday, May 9th (date has been moved from May 6th).  Please ensure that your child has a signed permission form and that food is clearly labeled with ingredients.

Students are invited to wear an outfit that is emblematic of their heritage for our multicultural celebration.  They may wish to wear a sari, hijab, Jays jersey, kimono or kilt - whatever traditional clothing represents their culture!

In addition, students will be working on cultural figurines in class next week.  They will be decorating them to show the traditional clothing of their culture.  Students are invited to find materials at home (fabric, felt, ribbon, buttons, yarn) that could help create an outfit to glue on their figurine.  The sample below shows the traditional outfit worn in Hungary (with embroidery, red & black colours, vest, black boots), cut out and glued onto the figurine.

Wednesday, 27 April 2016

Bollywood dance!

Here are your children grooving! Please encourage them to practise, practise, practise!

Monday, 25 April 2016

Tomorrow is Spring Picture Day!!

Just in case you hadn't checked your Clairlea calendar, a quick reminder to send your child in the outfit of your choice for school picture day tomorrow.
Say cheese!

Sunday, 24 April 2016

Bollywood Dance

The students have been working hard to learn their Bollywood dance for our upcoming spring concert. It's great exercise and tons of fun! Below is a link to a YouTube video for the song - hopefully it will inspire a desire to practise! I'm hoping to post a video of their dance by the end of the week, once the students have learned the whole sequence.
The song is called Selfie Le Le Re. Enjoy the tune - it's super catchy!

Friday, 22 April 2016


Our excursion today was a huge success. The students tasted honey made from different types of flowers; they created seed balls from clay, dirt, and soil which they will throw into the garden or while on a walk; they saw a real bee hive; and they listened to a French-speaking bee keeper who told them all about bees. In addition, they planted pansies which they have brought home. Ideally, these should be planted in your garden as they are a favourite among pollinators such as bees and butterflies.

Spelling words and homework for Thursday April 28.

Spelling words. We're doing the sound "oi" (wa) again as students continue to have trouble with it...

  1. trois
  2. histoire
  3. voiture
  4. balançoire
  5. froid
  6. poisson
  7. voilà
  8. doigt
  9. armoire
  10. voici
Students are bringing home a double-sided homework sheet. They have to look for 2D figures and 3D shapes in and around home, then label them and draw the object that is this shape.
In addition, students will be making traditionally dressed paper dolls. Please help to find materials that could be used to make them. For example; yarn for hair, fabric scraps in traditional colours, googly eyes.
Students will be making their doll AT SCHOOL not at home.

Friday, 15 April 2016

Spelling words and homework for Thursday April 21.

Spelling words:

La chèvre, une règle, un frère, un père, une flèche, la rivière, ma mère, un élève, la crème, après

For homework, students will be exploring their family heritage by conducting an interview with you, parents and guardians at home.  Students will need to fill in a family tree writing the name of family members and the country they were born in.  The countries must be written in French.  I am looking for 4 generations in the family tree (up to the students' great grandparents).

You may find this site useful for helping the students remember country names in French.
Students are free to add step-parents or step-grandparents into the model.
Bon travail!

Friday, 8 April 2016

Spelling words and homework for Thursday April 14.

As next Friday is a PA day, the spelling test will be on Thursday. Book bags should be returned on Wednesday please.

Spelling words:
  1. la baignoire
  2. une montagne
  3. mignon
  4. une signature
  5. un peigne
  6. le poignet
  7. la campagne
  8. gagner
  9. la ligne
  10. un champignon
Homework: Write a silly story using all the words in the spelling list.

Friday, 1 April 2016

Spelling words and homework for Thursday April 7.

Spelling words:

  1. Le chien                     
  2. je reviens     
  3. Le musicien              
  4. bientôt
  5. Le magicien              
  6. il appartient     
  7. Le gardien                
  8. le mien
  9. le lien
  10. Un canadien            

In addition, we will have a math test on Monday, April 11th.  This weekend's homework will be a preparation for this test.