Thursday, 15 August 2013

Bienvenue à la deuxième année.

I hope that everyone had a wonderful summer break! I'm excited to welcome parents, guardians, and especially students to my class and to our classroom blog. I'll be using the blog instead of sending home paper newsletters. We're a PLATINUM EcoSchool so we do what we can to reduce our negative impact on the planet!

Below I've posted our timetable. Please take a good look at it and take note of when we have Gym, Drama/Music, Visual Arts, and Library. You must come to school prepared for these subjects so that you can participate fully. For example, if you don't bring proper gym shoes, you will have to sit out for Gym. If you don't bring your library books back on time, you won't be allowed to take out another library book... oh dear!

First Assignment
Don't panic! It's a fun one! As a way to get to know each other and to exercise our French oral skills, students will be creating an "about me" bag. Each student will bring home a paper bag to be filled with FIVE things that reveal something about who s/he is. For example, if your child loves gardening s/he might put in a packet of seeds. Once five things have been collected, the bag comes back to school and your child will present to the class, explaining what each item is and why it is important or representative of who s/he is. I will model my own "about me" bag so that students are clear on what is expected. If you have questions, please ask your child to explain my presentation to you.

Happy Labour Day Weekend and 
Welcome Back to Clairlea!!