Wednesday 30 January 2013

Spelling words for Friday February 1

un lapin - a rabbit
une main - a hand
un pingouin - a penguin
demain - tomorrow
maintenant - now
faim - hungry
le pain - bread
un sapin - a pine tree
le jardin - garden
le pinceau - paintbrush

Tuesday 15 January 2013

Spelling words for Friday January 18.

Voir : To see
Boire : To drink
Un miroir : A mirror
Un roi : A king
Une histoire : A story
Une étoile : A star
Une boîte : A box
Une poire : A pear
Les devoirs : Homework
Du bois : Wood (as in, made of wood).

Bonne année!

A very happy new year to all of you; hopefully the winter break was relaxing and a good opportunity for some great family fun!
With the start of a new year, comes a new points system for oral language in the classroom.  The expectation for Grade 2 French Immersion is that students speak only French in the classroom (with some exceptions as we learn new vocabulary, of course). When students use English in the classroom, they will accumulate points until they reach ten points.  At ten points, a note will be sent home to you (for your signature), acknowledging that they need to make more of an effort using French. The goal is for you and I to encourage the students to make their best effort speaking French with myself and their classmates.