Friday, 31 March 2017

Spelling words and homework.

Spelling words are reviewing the hard "g" sound.

  1. gaspiller
  2. un garage
  3. un magasin
  4. un gâteau
  5. une gorille
  6. le langage
  7. la langue
  8. dégoutant
  9. une bague
  10. une guêpe

Students are to write a short letter to mum, dad, or both expressing thanks for something... or as one little man requested... can he write a letter of apology? Most certainly!

Some useful words might be:
Cher / Chère / Chers
Grosses bises
Gentil / le
Désolé / e

Wednesday, 29 March 2017

Number practise.

We're counting money and students are very rusty with numbers above 69 as well as the teens. In November, I posted a video which you can review here:

Numbers audio and video

Please get counting!

Letter writing unit.

Since March Break, we have started our letter writing unit. It's important that your child knows her/his address. Please help your child to learn it by looking at envelopes and letters that come in the mail.

Tuesday, 28 March 2017

Spring Concert!

The date for Clairlea's Spring Concert has been set as May 11 and it will be held at SATEC Collegiate Institute.

Today, we started learning a song that we will be performing during the concert. If you would like to help your child to learn the words and the melody, click here:

Comme des Enfants

Have fun!

International day of pink.

On Wednesday, April 12, we will be celebrating International Day of Pink. This is a Canadian anti-bullying event. The story behind it is this:

"The event started when students David Shepherd and Travis Price saw another student, who was wearing a pink shirt, being bullied in their Central Kings Rural High School in Nova Scotia, and deciding to show support for the student by getting everyone at their school to wear pink the following day.
The initiative inspired youth at Jer's Vision who founded The International Day of Pink, an effort to support their peers internationally with resources and ways to make their schools safer.
In 2012 over 8 million people participated."   (Wikipedia)

To recognize this important initiative, we are planning to make tie-dye t-shirts to wear on April 12. 

PLEASE SEND IN A PLAIN WHITE T-SHIRT (old or new) BY APRIL 5, with your child's name marked with a Sharpie on the inside neck (so it doesn't wash off). 

If you cannot find one, please let me know as soon as possible.

Friday, 24 March 2017

Spelling words and homework.

Spelling words:
  1. une paille
  2. la taille
  3. un détail
  4. le railles
  5. une médaille
  6. se batailler
  7. un caillou
  8. travailler
  9. une écaille
  10. un maillot
    Plus there will be a surprise sentence using one of the spelling words.

Try to find 10 different ways to represent one dollar, e.g. 10 dimes. Students can draw the coins (a circle with a 10 inside it), or simply write down the value of the coins they are using (10).

Tuesday, 21 March 2017

Spelling words and homework.

This Friday our dictée we will be on the sound [ouil].  The words and phrases to practise are:
  1. chatouiller, 
  2. une grenouille, 
  3. des nouilles, 
  4. une citrouille, 
  5. mouiller
  6. Une grenouille est un amphibian.
  7. Je mange des nouilles pour le dîner.
  8. Il veut chatouiller le bébé.

Thursday, 2 March 2017

Spelling words and homework.

The dictée structure for next week will be a bit different.  There are only five words to study plus three sentences. Watch out for capital letters and punctuation!

New sound [euil]
  1. un écureuil
  2. une feuille
  3. un fauteuil
  4. cueillir
  5. un portefeuille
  6. J’ai une feuille de papier.
  7. Un écureuil a des poils.
  8. J'aime cueillir les fraises.
Write a concrete poem about a rainbow.

Bon weekend!