Friday, 24 February 2017

Spelling words and homework.

Spelling words:

  1. le soleil
  2. une oreille
  3. une abeille
  4. un orteil
  5. se réveiller
  6. un appareil
  7. une bouteille
  8. le meilleur
  9. une corbeille
  10. le sommeil
Students are to conduct an interview with their families to identify three important celebrations and then to note a tradition, a food, and (if relevant,) music that is related to each celebration.

Wednesday, 22 February 2017

Our trip to the Aga Khan Museum.

Below are some highlights of our trip to the museum yesterday. Students were exposed to many examples of Islamic culture and history. They transferred their learning of artistic expression to their own works through making decorated tiles. These should be coming home soon!

A heartfelt thank you to our three parent volunteers - we couldn't have handled the TTC without you!

Wall hanging constructed from silk and millions of gold and silver pins.

Illustrated manuscript.

A page from The Blue Koran.

Marble fountain.

Students sketching patterns in shapes, foliage, calligraphy, and figures.

Illustrated fiction.

Students making clay tiles.

Tuesday, 21 February 2017

Spelling words and homework.

Spelling words (sorry this is late!)

  1. une introduction
  2. une option
  3. la récréation
  4. attention
  5. l'addition
  6. une collation
  7. une opération
  8. une portion
  9. une invitation
  10. une détention
Homework: Students are to write an acrostic poem entitled "Ma famille" to celebrate Family Day.

Monday, 20 February 2017

Field trip tomorrow!

Our class trip to Aga Khan Museum is on Tuesday, February 21.  Please ensure that students arrive on time at 8:40AM, as we will leave immediately after attendance.  Please also ensure that students are dressed for the weather as we will be walking from school, north to Eglinton Avenue where we will catch the bus.  We will then have a short walk from Wynford Drive to the museum. 

We will be going rain or shine!

Monday, 13 February 2017

Field trip forms and winter activity day.

Please have signed permission forms returned to me no later than Wednesday, Feb 15th.

February 16th will be the Primary Winter Activity Day.  Students will participate in planned activities around the school all day (crafts, yoga, games, a movie).

Friday, 10 February 2017

Spelling words, homework, and Valentine's Day.

Spelling words are the sound [gn].

  1. Se cogner
  2. un agneau
  3. une enseignante
  4. une montagne
  5. mignon
  6. une araignée
  7. gagner
  8. une baignoire
  9. saigner
  10. une ligne
Using some (not necessarily all) words from the spelling list, write a rhyming poem and illustrate it.

Valentine's Day.
I'm proposing that we have a small party on Valentine's Day so that students can exchange cards. I'll send home a list of names (today if I remember!) or on Monday. 
Regarding the party - please don't send in candy or junk food. You don't need to send in food unless you'd like to offer fruits, vegetables, or home baked items (that are nut-free).

Monday, 6 February 2017

Field trip!

On Tuesday, February 21st (AM ONLY) we will be travelling to the Aga Khan Museum for a hands-on workshop.  The theme is cross-disciplinary: examining patterns (math) with art (visual art) and culture (social studies).  Permission forms will be going home next week but I am looking for parent volunteers.  First come first served!  Please email me or send a note in your child's agenda.
Thank you!

Friday, 3 February 2017

Spelling words and homework

Spelling words focus on the hard g sound.

  1. la guitare
  2. un igloo
  3. les gants
  4. la glissoire
  5. les légumes
  6. la gomme
  7. regarder
  8. rigoler
  9. la grenouille
  10. la griffe
For homework, students are bringing home a worksheet on which they are to conduct a poll [sondage] on the favourite sport of their friends and family. Using the data they gather they are to make a bar chart [diagramme à bandes], referring to the success criteria on the back side of the page.

Please remember that book bags are due on Thursdays.