Thursday, 24 March 2016

Spelling and Homework for Thursday, March 31.

Spelling words:

  1. une introduction     
  2. l’éducation     
  3. une collation    
  4. la récréation    
  5. une discussion     
  6. la division     
  7. la multiplication     
  8. une invention     
  9. une option    
  10. attention


Read your book bag book and make a connection. Write about this connection in your homework journal.  The sentence should begin with "Ce livre me rappelle de..." (This book reminds me of...)

Parents - making connections is about readers making links between what they are reading and things that they already know. There are three types of connection:
  1. Text-to-text (texte-à-texte). This is when a reader makes a connection between what s/he is reading and another text that s/he has already read. 
  2. Text-to-self (texte-à-soi). This is when a reader makes a connection between the text and something in his/her life. E.g. When a girl in the story kicked the soccer ball, it reminded me about the soccer team that I play on every week.
  3. Text-to-world (texte-au-monde). This is a connection between the text and something s/he knows about the world. E.g., in the Lorax, all the trees are cut down which destroys the habitat for multiple animals. This reminds me that in the world, we know that we mustn't harm the earth in order to protect it and keep it safe for ourselves and other living things.

Wednesday, 23 March 2016

Trip to Harbourfront

This trip was a HUGE success! In the morning, the students had a marvellous time inventing and creating beasts out of clay. I hope that you enjoyed them. Please make sure that they stay safe for the next 7 days as they take this long to dry completely. 
During the afternoon, the students worked with Donny to learn all about the four elements of Hip Hop. These are deejaying, emceeing, break-dancing, and graffiti art. The students learned a Hip Hop routine and they made their names using a graffiti technique. Everyone had a blast!

Very overdue Forest Valley Trip photos

Very overdue Scientist in the School photos

I've been having some technical problems over the past little while with my phone... long story short - new phone! Here are the photos from our simple machines Scientist in the School day!