Friday, 27 November 2015

Spelling words and homework for December 3/4

Spelling words:
  1. Le nez
  2. Chez
  3. Vous avez
  4. Vous rangez
  5. Vous savez
  6. Un cahier
  7. Un papier
  8. Un soulier
  9. Janvier
  10. Danger
Read your book every day.
Practise your spelling words.
Do some research on your animal:
  • Title: What is your animal?
  • In which animal category does it belong? (mammal, amphibian, etc.)
  • In which country does it live?
  • On which continent does it live?
  • What does it eat?
  • What eats it?
If you have access to a computer, a web site you could use is: . Go to "rechercher" (on the right hand side) and type in the French term for your animal.
P.S. You need to use accents if your animal has one!
There is also

Thursday, 19 November 2015

Spelling words and homework for November 26/27

Spelling words:

  1. La fusée
  2. le musée
  3. un écolier
  4. la télé
  5. la récré
  6. l'évier
  7. la dictée
  8. j'écris
  9. faché
  10. délicieux
Homework, DUE MONDAY:
Write a list of the ingredients you need for your recipe.

Wednesday, 18 November 2015

Grade 2 Science Project – Animals
In the next few days, students will be assigned an animal on which they will create a diorama and a written piece that describes this animal. Please search for, and send in with your child, a shoe box that can be used for the diorama. Below is detailed information on the project:

Part I – Diorama
Students will be given class time over the next few weeks, to work on their diorama.  Each student must have his/her own shoe-box.  We will decorate the shoe-box with animals and use paint/paper to create a background.  Please help your child gather additional materials (twigs for nests, cotton balls for clouds, plastic animals or Plasticine for making animals, popsicle sticks and green paper for trees, aluminum foil for water, etc.) that can be incorporated into the diorama.  Students will also create a title for their diorama e.g. Zebras by Jimmy Carson, Grade 2. This title will be pasted to the front of their diorama so that we may all appreciate each student’s hard work!

Part II - Writing
Students will create a one page write-up that will be presented to the class, alongside the diorama. The written work will be written in full sentences.  This page must include the following information. 
-     Animal name
-     Animal category (mammal, fish, insect, reptile, amphibian, bird)
-     Animal description (size, colour, features [feathers, scales, fur, beak, vertebrate])
-     Animal habitat (continent or countries and specifics, ie: The kiwi bird is found in New Zealand and lives in bushes)
-     Diet
-     Other interesting information: Is it endangered? Is it used in society (for food/clothing/work)? Is it a symbol?

The majority of the research will be done at home.  Each week, students will have an opportunity to research online during our computer period.  Students will use the TDSB animal encyclopedia to gather information. Assessment criteria are below.

Grade 2 Science Project – Animals


Level 1      (D)
Level 2      (C)
Level 3      (B)
Level 4      (A)
of content
Demonstrates limited knowledge of content
Demonstrates some knowledge of content
Demonstrates considerable
knowledge of content
Demonstrates thorough
knowledge of content
Demonstrates limited understanding of content
Demonstrates some understanding of content
Demonstrates considerable understanding of content
Demonstrates thorough understanding of content
Produces three-dimensional works of art that express ideas inspired by observations
of nature with limited care or creativity.

Produces three-dimensional works of art that express ideas inspired by observations
of nature with some care or creativity.

Produces three-dimensional works of art that express ideas inspired by observations
of nature with considerable care or creativity.

Produces three-dimensional works of art that express ideas inspired by observations
of nature with great care and creativity.

Written communication
uses conventions, vocabulary, and terminology about animals with limited effectiveness
uses conventions, vocabulary, and terminology about animals with some effectiveness
uses conventions, vocabulary, and terminology about animals with considerable effectiveness
uses conventions, vocabulary, and terminology about animals with a high degree of effectiveness
Oral presentation
Gives a short presentation, on a familiar topic (following a model) with limited effectiveness.

Gives a short presentation, on a familiar topic (following a model) with some effectiveness.

Gives a short presentation, on a familiar topic (following a model) with considerable effectiveness.

Gives a short presentation, on a familiar topic (following a model) with a high degree of effectiveness.

Attentitive listening/
Demonstrates appreciation appropriately as an audience member, with limited effectiveness.

Demonstrates appreciation appropriately as an audience member, with some effectiveness.

Demonstrates appreciation appropriately as an audience member, with considerable effectiveness.

Demonstrates appreciation appropriately as an audience member, with a high degree of effectiveness.

Pizza procedure.

Today the students and I went back to the staff room to make another dish. This time, we made pizza! The students and I discussed what the procedure would be before heading into the staff room, and once there, they directed me on what to do. The procedure we came up with is below.

Please have a look at it, and ask your child to translate if necessary. The recipe that your child has been practising at home will eventually require a procedure that follows the same format as the one below. I have posted this to help you to work with your child at home on knowing the steps in order and knowing the ingredients required so that s/he can work independently on his/her procedure in class next week.

Comment faire une pizza.

Les Materiaux
·     Un couteau
·     Des mitaines de four
·     La pâte
·     Le fromage rapé
·     La sauce aux tomates

La méthode
1.  On allume le four
2.  On met la pâte sur la table.
3.  On étale la sauce aux tomates sur la pâte.
4.  On met du fromage rapé sur la sauce.
5.  On met les mitaines de four et en met la pizza dans le four pour 8 minutes.
6.  On enlève la pizza du four avec les mitaines de four.
7.  On coupe la pizza avec un couteau

Le résultat

·     On mange la pizza. Miam délicieuse!

Tuesday, 17 November 2015

Recipe homework

This coming Monday, November 23, the students will begin to write their recipes in class for our cookbook.
This is therefore the last week for them to review the ingredients and the steps in order, required to write the recipe in class. Keep practising at home and encourage your child to come to me if there are any French words they cannot find.
Happy cooking!
Madame Paré

Thursday, 12 November 2015

Book fair extension.

Good news! For those of you who still wish to purchase books, the book fair has been extended to next Thursday, the 19th.
Happy reading!

Spelling and homework for November 19/20

Spelling words:

  1. l'école
  2. le chocolat
  3. un escalier
  4. un écureuil
  5. une cerise
  6. une centaine
  7. un cerf-volant
  8. cette
  9. une carotte
  10. un prince
  1. Read your book every night
  2. Study your spelling words
  3. Write a procedure for something that you do every day, e.g. get dressed, brush your hair, make your bed, study your spelling words, read your book, etc.

Monday, 9 November 2015

Remembrance Day Bulletin Board

Here are the beautiful poppy paintings and pinwheel crafts the students made to mark November 11th this year. I'm proud that my students will be performing during the Remembrance Day Ceremony this Wednesday.

Friday, 6 November 2015

Book Fair!

This coming Monday (November 9), there will be a Scholastic Book Fair in the library. Our class has been invited to go and view the books during the day. Should you wish your child to be able to purchase a book, please send a small amount of money in with your child. Please remember that students are NOT permitted to lend or borrow money from classmates.
Happy reading! :)

Procedure practise - Making Croque Monsieurs!

This morning we had a great time in the staff room making croque monsieurs. This is like a grilled cheese sandwich! Yesterday we watched a short film that showed the procedure for doing this and today we put it into practise. The children LOVED cooking and everyone enjoyed their snack! Here are some pictures of them enjoying the finished product...

Thursday, 5 November 2015

Recipe procedure

Last week, I sent a letter home outlining our recipe project.  By now, students will have spoken with you and selected a simple recipe to practise making at home, under your supervision.

The week of November 16th, students will begin writing a draft of their recipe in class.  Until then, we will continue writing up a variety of different procedures together in class.  Students are learning that a good procedure includes a title, a list of materials (or ingredients for a recipe), and clear steps that are in order.  

In the meantime, please provide lots of opportunity for your child to practise making their recipe at home.  When they write up their recipe in class, they will need to know what ingredients are required. They will also need to know the steps involved to make the dish.

A sample recipe may be;

vanilla, chocolate and strawberry ice cream
one banana
whipping cream
chocolate sauce
one cherry

1. Peel the banana and place in a long bowl.
2. Put one scoop of each ice cream into the bowl beside the banana.
3. Cover the ice cream with whipping cream.
4. Pour chocolate sauce over the whipping cream.
5. Decorate with one cherry on top.

To help with translating ingredients, you may find word reference translator helpful.

Bon appétit!

Spelling words and homework for November 12/13

Spelling words:

  1. le ballon
  2. La confiture
  3. le camion
  4. La fontaine
  5. la trompette
  6. un avion
  7. le pompier
  8. la leçon
  9. comprendre
  10. tomber 
Write a silly story using all of the dictée words.  Be creative!