Friday, 28 November 2014

Homework and spelling words for Thursday December 4

Spelling words:
  1. la bille
  2. le caillou
  3. le chandail
  4. le papillon
  5. le travail
  6. les croustilles
  7. le coquillage
  8. la fille
  9. l'épouvantail
  10. le détail
Students are to write a recount of their excursion to the zoo, remembering to clearly identify the beginning, middle, and end of the retell.

Don't forget that next Friday, December 5 is a PA day so homework and book bags are due Wednesday. The spelling test will be on Thursday.

Sunday, 23 November 2014

Zoo trip!

I thought you might enjoy seeing some of the highlights of our trip to the zoo yesterday! While it was chilly and there was plenty of walking, the students had an information-packed, educational, and very fun day...

The rhino whose ears move constantly to alert him to possible predators.

On the left, Meagan, our lovely and talented workshop guide.

The Indian tapir whose colouring disguises him as a rock so that predators don't see him.

The giant gourami which can grow to 70 cm and comes from Southeast Asia.

The tropical rainforest which was filled with mice, butterflies, and birds.

A giant leaf bug, barely visible because of its excellent camouflage.

A petal bug, also a master of disguise.

This snake is non venomous and has a brown tail that looks like a worm. Why? So that worms come to hang out with it shortly before becoming lunch!

The bengal tiger, the largest of all cats.

The gibbon, an ape whose arms are so long that when he walks upright, he has to hold his arms in the air!

The soft-shelled turtle who disguises himself masterfully as a rock to hide from predators.

Mom and young orangutan. These herbivorous apes are among the most intelligent primates and apparently, these ones at the Toronto Zoo, Skype with their cousins using iPads!!! 

This python, when stretched out to his full length, is longer than our whole class when lined up! They are non venomous constrictors who eat antelopes whole and then take several days to digest them.

The gorilla who lives in central Africa and is largely herbivorous.

The polar bear, the largest land predator who, though born on land spends most of its time at sea.

The giant panda who lives on bamboo and comes from China.

The students of Room 101, tired but happy :)

Saturday, 22 November 2014

How to write our recipe procedure.

This week, we invited Mme Byrne's class to join us in the staff room while we made pizza together. The purpose of the activity was to give the students a model upon which to base their recipe assignment. We have begun this final assignment and hope to finish it by next week.

After listing all the ingredients, we write the steps in order, with details, and beginning with a verb, to explain clearly how to make the recipe. Details include such things as the time in the oven, amounts of ingredients, and the state of the ingredients (for example; grated, whipped, etc.).

Comment faire une pizza.

Les ingrédients
  •  Un couteau
  •      Une spatule
  •      Un plat de four
  •      Des mitaines de four
  •      La pâte
  •      Le fromage rapé
  •      La sauce aux tomates

La méthode
  1. Met de l’huile sur le plat de four avec une serviette en papier.
  2. Met la pâte sur le plat.
  3. Étale la sauce aux tomates sur la pâte.
  4. Met du fromage rapé sur la sauce.
  5. Met les mitaines de four et met la pizza dans le four pendant 8 minutes.
  6. Enlève la pizza du four avec les mitaines de four.
  7. Coupe la pizza avec un couteau

Le résultat

·     On mange la pizza. Miam délicieuse!
Quels sont les ingrédients?

On étale la sauce aux tomates.

On saupoudre la pâte avec du fromage rapé.

On coupe les tranches de pizza.

Friday, 21 November 2014

Spelling words and homework for Friday, November 30.

Students are probably devastated (ha ha) that there is no homework this week!!! However, I am going to give a spelling test this coming Friday as they seem to love it so much! Here are the words:

  1. le bain
  2. la main
  3. demain
  4. le linge
  5. peindre
  6. un humain
  7. le jardin
  8. soudain
  9. le pain
  10. La peinture
I will give the students ample time on Monday to write these words into their agendas - but if you log on to the blog over the weekend you can get started on studying straight away!! 

Happy weekend everyone!

Wednesday, 19 November 2014

Spelling words and homework for Friday, November 21.

Spelling words:
  1. le téléphone
  2. la girafe
  3. chauffer
  4. la fête
  5. la fenêtre
  6. le phoque
  7. le chiffon
  8. la photo
  9. faire
  10. froid

Students are to write complete sentences that address the following science project needs:
  1. The name of his/her assigned animal
  2. The continent and country it inhabits
  3. Its predators
  4. Its life cycle

This week's spelling test...

...will take place tomorrow, Thursday November  20 as we are going to the zoo on Friday.
In addition, I will not be reading one-on-one with the students this week so book bag books will not change; they will be bringing home the same book. If your child has already read it many times, try asking him/her increasingly difficult comprehension questions to ensure that your child fully understands the story. Also, suggest looking up new words in the dictionary or online.

Recipe model

Below is a sample recipe to model how the students will create their recipe which they should have practised at home now at least two or three times. It should give you an idea of the expectation. A title, list of materials and a detailed, numbered procedure on how to complete the recipe.

Comment faire une pizza.

Les Materiaux
·     Un couteau
·     Une spatula
·     Un plat de four
·     Des mitaines de four
·     La pate
·     Le fromage rape
·     La sauce aux tomates

Le méthode
  1. On met de l’huile sur le plat de four avec une serviette en papier.
  2. On met la pate sur le plat.
  3. On étale la sauce aux tomates sur la pate.
  4. On met du fromage rapé sur la sauce.
  5. On met les mitaines de four et en met la pizza dans le four pour 8 minutes.
  6.  On enlève la pizza du four avec les mitaines de four.
  7. On coupe la pizza avec un couteau

Le résultat

·     On mange la pizza. Miam délicieuse!

Tuesday, 18 November 2014

Grade 2 Science Project – Animals
Part I – Diorama
Students will be given class time over the next two weeks, to work on their diorama.  Each student must have his/her own shoe-box.  We will decorate the shoe-box with animals and use paint/paper to create a background.  Please help your child gather additional materials (twigs for nests, cotton balls for clouds, plastic animals or Plasticine for making animals, popsicle sticks and green paper for trees, aluminum foil for water, etc.) that can be incorporated into the diorama.  Students will also create a title for their diorama e.g. Zebras by Jimmy Carson, Grade 2. This title will be pasted to the front of their diorama so that we may all appreciate each student’s hard work!

Part II - Writing
Students will create a one page write-up that will be presented to the class, alongside the diorama. The written work will be written in full sentences.  This page must include the following information. 
-     Animal name
-     Animal category (mammal, fish, insect, reptile, amphibian, bird)
-     Animal description (size, colour, features [feathers, scales, fur, beak, vertebrate])
-     Animal habitat (continent or countries and specifics, ie: The kiwi bird is found in New Zealand and lives in bushes)
-     Diet
-     Other interesting information: Is it endangered? Is it used in society (for food/clothing/work)? Is it a symbol?

The majority of the research will be done at home.  Each week, students will have an opportunity to research online during our computer period.  Students will use the TDSB animal encyclopedia to gather information.  This project is due on December 3rd. Assessment criteria are below:


Level 1      (D)
Level 2      (C)
Level 3      (B)
Level 4      (A)
of content
Demonstrates limited knowledge of content
Demonstrates some knowledge of content
Demonstrates considerable
knowledge of content
Demonstrates thorough
knowledge of content
Demonstrates limited understanding of content
Demonstrates some understanding of content
Demonstrates considerable understanding of content
Demonstrates thorough understanding of content
Produces three-dimensional works of art that express ideas inspired by observations
of nature with limited care or creativity.

Produces three-dimensional works of art that express ideas inspired by observations
of nature with some care or creativity.

Produces three-dimensional works of art that express ideas inspired by observations
of nature with considerable care or creativity.

Produces three-dimensional works of art that express ideas inspired by observations
of nature with great care and creativity.

Written communication
uses conventions, vocabulary, and terminology about animals with limited effectiveness
uses conventions, vocabulary, and terminology about animals with some effectiveness
uses conventions, vocabulary, and terminology about animals with considerable effectiveness
uses conventions, vocabulary, and terminology about animals with a high degree of effectiveness
Oral presentation
Gives a short presentation, on a familiar topic (following a model) with limited effectiveness.

Gives a short presentation, on a familiar topic (following a model) with some effectiveness.

Gives a short presentation, on a familiar topic (following a model) with considerable effectiveness.

Gives a short presentation, on a familiar topic (following a model) with a high degree of effectiveness.

Attentitive listening/
Demonstrates appreciation appropriately as an audience member, with limited effectiveness.

Demonstrates appreciation appropriately as an audience member, with some effectiveness.

Demonstrates appreciation appropriately as an audience member, with considerable effectiveness.

Demonstrates appreciation appropriately as an audience member, with a high degree of effectiveness.