Monday, 15 September 2014

Language unit

In language, the students are learning how to write a retell of a story or an event. As such, we have discussed how each retell must have a beginning, a middle, and an end. In addition, each retell answers the following questions: Who, Where, When, and Why?

I am using fairy tales as well as factual retells (what we did over the weekend etc.) to support this learning. 

Today we embarked on a mighty list of adjectives which the students will begin to use tomorrow to infuse excitement and interest in their retells.

You can support your (wonderful) child's learning at home by encouraging him/her to recount what happened at his/her (big, purple panther) school, or what (marvellous) story was read, or what (exciting) show s/he watched... while helping him/her to remember to frame the beginning, middle, and end of the (superb) story. Also, encourage your (delightful) child's use of (spine-tingling) adjectives in everyday speech - talking is substantially more colourful with them than without!!  :D

Scholastic book orders

Scholastic book orders should be submitted by 2 weeks after the magazines come home please. Also, please send cash not cheques.
Much appreciated!!

Monday, 8 September 2014


Today we started a math unit on patterning. As the weather was so lovely, I took the students outside to try their hands at non numeric patterns using sidewalk chalk in the yard. Below are some examples of the patterns they came up with...

 Encourage your child to find patterns in everyday life, in nature and in the world around them.

Friday, 5 September 2014

First week of school.

During the first week of school we have spent time getting to know one another and decorating our classroom to make it feel more welcoming and inclusive. Below is a glimpse of an activity where the students decorated posters of their names with their favourite colours and colour patterns. These wonderful paintings are now gracing the walls of the classroom and it has instantly become a brighter and happier space!

During this activity, we decided to head outside since the classroom was stiflingly hot! Here the students are each decorating a piece of a mystery puzzle. Once all pieces are coloured, the students will try to put them together and discover what they have collectively made... stay tuned!

First day of school packages

Thanks to all those families who have sent back their first day of school packages with all forms filled out and signed. There are five students for whom I have not yet received forms. It is very important that the school has accurate and current information on all of our students so I would urge you to send in your completed packages as soon as possible.